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« Pentagon Won't Publicly Release Iraq Report, After All | Main | The Democratic Campaign Grows Even Uglier »

March 14, 2008



This has been the problem with the Clinton campaign of late with their "kitchen sink strategy".

They don't argue that Hillary would be a better commander-in-chief. They argue that Obama can't be commander-in-chief.

They don't argue that Hillary has a better chance of winning the general election. They argue that Obama can't win the general election.

It makes many of us very suspicious that they would prefer McCain if Obama is the nominee and Hillary could have another shot in four years.

D. Cupples


I don't like Mark Penn's strategies so far. However, they ARE arguing that Hill would be a better commander in chief.

At the same time, you're right that on other issues, they're arguing his negatives instead of her positives. Not smart.

Actually, Hillary said a few days ago that she would expect her supporters to vote for Obama if he wins the nom. I think that a significant number won't because they're offended by O's campaigning. And a significant number of Obama supporters have already said they won't vote for Hill if she gets the nom.

We'll see.

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