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March 19, 2008



I guess they dont remember in 2001 when she was on stage with Mr. President talking about the success of iraq. Guess this is what we get for having a president who is a recovering addicthe talk like he live in iraq daily

D. Cupples


Yeah, that was a pretty screwy time in our history (between 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, when to question the president would get you labeled a traitor or terrorist lover).

Most of our politicians failed us, and most of our media did as well. Though, we didn't invade Iraq until 2003.


hey man, its cool as long as we can accept each others beliefs, hats why this country is great, because of folks like us, no race, sex, age, just expression - now if we could teach politicians to act like us. lol. i come by here often. let me know via email if u want to exchange rolls

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