Posted by Damozel | While I am not feeling the usual love for my fellow Dems who are connected to the Obama campaign, this I know: no Democrat should be repeating the stupid---and viral--- "I would vote for McCain if Obama/Hillary gets the nomination" meme. Even voting for Nader or---as I've threatened to do myself, sulking at home---isn't really an option. No, it is not. Shut up, me. Stop and think.
Brad of Sadly, No!, an Obama supporter, points out:
[T]he presidency is about much more than one person - it’s about appointing a cabinet. I cannot stand the thought of four more years of Gonzo-style shenanigans at the Justice Department, nor can I stomach having another labor secretary that doesn’t give a shit about labor rights. Even if you don’t personally like Clinton or Obama all that much, realize that they will appoint drastically better personnel to key positions of power than any Republican.
Seriously, whoever gets the nomination, all Democrats need to vote for the Democrat. To quote Brad once more:
I hope you guys enjoy four more years of war and a fucked-up economy..
Brad is right: we will be assholes (his word) if we don't fight the right when the time comes.
We should therefore all lighten up. Hillary herself said that if she loses the nomination she will support Obama.
So here's something to help everyone currently afflicted with anyone-but-my-Dem's-rival syndrome..
From a new Franklin & Marshall poll: "Among Obama supporters, 20 percent said they would vote for Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the Republican nominee, if Clinton beats their candidate for the nomination. Among Clinton supporters, 19 percent said they would support McCain in November if Obama is the Democratic nominee." Wah wah wah, wah wah wah, wah. It's nothing to worry about, because we have the perfect cure for this "I would vote for McCain" virus that's spreading. The most effective anti-McCain propaganda film yet...MAKE IT VIRAL, THE SHEEPLE NEED TO SEE.
I don't know; I think it's kind of catchy. And as one commenter put it:
These three ladies are kind of my idea of what the Furies would look like if I were staging a modern-dress Greek tragedy in a suburb of Des Moines.
UPDATE. Matthew Yglesias has now posted it. "This may be the greatest piece of surrealist performance art of the internet era: I'm speechless." At TMV, Joe Gandelman, as always, is kind.
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