Posted by D. Cupples | In December, presidential candidate John McCain reportedly said this:
"'The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should,' McCain said. 'I've got Greenspan's book.'" (Boston Globe)
That's not good, given that the economy is one of our nation's highest priorities, especially these days. During a press conference yesterday in Jordan, Sen. McCain reportedly showed deficient knowledge of foreign affairs. The Washington Post reports:
"He [McCain] said several times that Iran, a predominately Shiite country, was supplying the mostly Sunni militant group, al-Qaeda. In fact, officials have said they believe Iran is helping Shiite extremists in Iraq.
"Speaking to reporters in Amman, the Jordanian capital, McCain said he and two Senate colleagues traveling with him continue to be concerned about Iranian operatives "taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back."
"Pressed to elaborate, McCain said it was
'common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's unfortunate.'
"A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear. McCain then said: 'I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda.'"
"The mistake threatened to undermine McCain's argument that his decades of foreign policy experience make him the natural choice to lead a country at war with terrorists. In recent days, McCain has repeatedly said his intimate knowledge of foreign policy makes him the best equipped to answer a phone ringing in the White House late at night." (Washington Post)
A McCain Spokesperson told Time Magazine:
"In a press conference today, John McCain misspoke and immediately corrected himself by stating that Iran is in fact supporting radical Islamic extremists in Iraq, not Al Qaeda."
According to Think Progress, it likely wasn't a simple matter of misspeaking, as McCain has now made this error three times.
Could it be that McCain just doesn't really know what's going on over in Iraq? Might deficient knowledge be the foundation of his plans regarding Iraq?
Memeorandum has commentary: Weekly Standard Blog, Washington Wire,, Think Progress, Matthew Yglesias, Eschaton, The Newshoggers, AMERICAblog, The Moderate Voice, Marc Ambinder, Associated Press, Comments from Left Field, Alas, a blog, The Carpetbagger Report, Obsidian Wings, Hullabaloo, Wonkette, Daily Kos, Taylor Marsh and MyDD
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I don't disagree that this is a problem. I'm not sure what Senator McCain was trying to say. I will say, however, that the linkages between AQ and Iran are not cut and dry either way (either against support or for an alliance). I think its a bit overblown to pounce on him for this particular statement - you also forget what he may have been told in classified briefings.... there may be more to that story than meets the eye.
Posted by: Bryan | March 19, 2008 at 12:27 AM
You're right: this may be overblown. That and he might know things that we don't.
Posted by: D. Cupples | March 19, 2008 at 03:00 PM