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March 23, 2008



I was listening to NPR a few weeks ago while taking a bath (it's a thing) and there was an audio essay about a woman who found herself literally crying about her state's primary, because as a Latina she wanted to be able to support Obama, and as a woman she wanted to be able to support Clinton, and she felt conflicted over that choice, but they're all politicians in the end, and while, as most dems will, I'll likely end up voting for whichever finally gets the nod...I kind of also resent having to make the choice in my own state's primary.

To put up with bashing because of it? I'm lucky, I guess, because my circle of friends (save for one) doesn't DO that.

D. Cupples

My circle of friends doesn't bash either. It's just a group of die-hard supporters, sort of like the ones who were into Ron Paul months back.

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