Posted by Damozel | UPDATE. Speaking as one of the disenfranchised, I am was extremely hopeful that Florida will would be allowed a do-over, even a mail-in one (described below). (McClatchy). I just posted to say so---but it looks as if the proposed mail-in do-over (discussed below) ain't happening. Via Marc Ambinder:
Moments ago, Democrats representing Florida in Congress released this joint statement, effectively putting the kibosh on a mail-in re-do primary:
"We are committed to working with the DNC, the Florida State Democratic party, our Democratic leaders in Florida, and our two candidates to reach an expedited solution that ensures our 210 delegates are seated. Our House delegation is opposed to a mail-in campaign or any redo of any kind.”
Even if the candidates agree, there will be no expedited solution unless the courts somehow intervene, which, given a series of federal court rulings last year, is unlikely.
Sigh. I don't really blame them; they have their reasons. It's the DNC I blame, and will always blame.
My co-blogger and fellow Floridian Teh Nutroots isn't polite and often crosses what D Cupples and I consider the line between acceptable and unacceptable discourse, but I must say I understand how he feels:
Screw the DNC, screw its rules, and screw everyone who is now rearing up on their hind legs to preach about fair play, etc.
As for the DNC, smell you later, you power-obsessed little warts. I'll be one of the ones standing outside the convention center waving a sign and holding up my middle finger. You know what's 'bitterly divisive'? Disenfranchising Democrats in one of the most populous states because of a decision made by their REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURE.
(Teh Nutroots)
I'll stop there because his sign-off really DOES go over the line. But again: I understand how he feels.
I try not to get angry, but I simply don't understand this exercise of a technical rule to provide one of the key states in the general election of its delegates to the convention.
PREVIOUS. I am not sure what to think of the methodology, which will be something we haven't seen before: voting by mail.
Under the emerging plan, estimated to cost as much as $10 million, the state's four million registered Democrats would be mailed self-addressed, stamped ballots that would be tabulated by an independent party, such as an accounting firm or a company that runs corporate shareholder voting.
Ballots would be due back in Tallahassee on a specific day in late May or early June, and regional sites would likely be employed for last-minute voters, party officials said.
The state party would pick up the cost for the unprecedented contest, and a number of national Democratic strategists have said they're ready to begin raising millions for the do-over. (McClatchy).
It's an interesting idea, particularly since one can assume that many people who wouldn't otherwise have turned out to vote are likely to vote by mail.
Apparently the mail option is the only one that seems feasible within the remaining time. But there are technical and procedural obstacles, including the problem of getting both Democratic contenders on board.(McClatchy)
Both Clinton and Obama are reluctant, presumably for different reasons: Obama, out of concern that Hillary might win again and this time be awarded delegates; Hillary, out of concern that she might not. (McClatchy)
As a Floriidian, I naturally believe that Florida should have its voice restored, particularly since the 'rules' we 'broke' weren't broken at the behest of Democrats, but of our Republican legislature. I am not sure that even a do over will get me past my fury at the pettiness of the DNC, which simply closed its collective ears and sang LA LA LA LA while Florida's representatives were trying to get them to understand why voters shouldn't be punished for something over which we had no control.
At Talk Left, Big Tent Democrat says:
One down, one to go.
On CNN, Obama is asked specifically about a mail in primary, VERY noncommittal. The Obama campaign will object I predict.
Donna Brazile is horrible. She is badmouthing the mail in primary. She should be removed from the DNC. Paul Begala argues for the revote, hits Donna Brazile as Bush v. Gore.
Florida to Lose Its Voice in the Democratic Primaries?
Note from a Disenfranchised Floridian to the Rule-Obsessed DNC