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March 13, 2008



One must wonder whether one Elliot Spitzer was not one of those mistakes. The more we learn of how he ended up getting wiretapped, the less sense it makes.

D. Cupples


How are you?!!!

I've been thinking the same thing. Given that he prosecuted all sorts of white collar criminals, I suspect that he was familiar with money transfers and what would (and wouldn't) raise law enforcement's red flags.

And yet, someone was watching his accounts. Kinda makes one wonder about "probable cause."


Are you following Scott Horton? He has new information on a daily basis that undermines the propriety of going after Spitzer. The latest: Roger Stone knew Spitzer would be indicted before the public announcement.

D. Cupples

HI Charles,

No, right now I'm not following Scott. I will after I finish grading papers (I was lazy this spring break).

I already have a good idea of how it's going to turn out, though: lots of evidence that official power was abused by someone(s) who wanted to go after Spitzer for political reasons.

It's a shame that he was actually guilty, which only clouds the issue for ordinary folks.

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