by D. Cupples | Alegre, a regular DailyKos blogger, decided that enough is enough and wrote a protest post essentially announcing a "strike." Alegre is sick of the Rush-Limbaugh-esque bashing of Hillary Clinton by Kos writers and commenters. (See Alegre's post at No Quarter ). The Caucus reports:
"Alegre’s post attracted a strong reaction, both negative and positive. The comment board was shut down about 5.5 hours after it was posted, with 1258 comments."
That's an lot of comments. Below is a list of some of the blogs and media outlets (including Fox "News") that have covered Alegre's protest, along with links.
The Caucus - New York Times Blog
Blogtalk: Pro-Clinton Bloggers Boycott Kos - Also linked at Real Clear Politics.
Brad Blog
Writers Strike at Daily Kos? Try a Readers Strike…
No Quarter - CrossPost
Writers Strike at DailyKos
Tennessee Guerilla Woman
Writers Strike Against Hillary-Hating DailyObama, aka DailyKos
The Confluence - River Daughter
Welcome Union Members
Aaron Shaw’s Weblog
Writers Strike at DailyKos?
Taylor Marsh Cross-Post
Writers Strike at DailyKos
Marc Ambinder (The Atlantic Magazine)
Pro-Hillary Writers “On Strike” At DailyKos
Tom Watson
The Left Splits: Writers Flee DailyKos Over Clinton-Bashing
(See also - Tom’s terrific post The Few, the Proud…the Clinton Bloggers
Broward’s Blog
Writers Strike at DailyKos
Jake Tapper (ABC Blog)
Clinton-Obama War Creates Serious Tensions at DailyKos
Wise Law Blog
Clinton Supporter at Daily Kos: “This Is A Strike”
Raw Story - CrossPost
Writers Strike at DailyKos
The Moderate Voice
Daily Kos “Bloggers’ Strike” Shows Increasingly Bitter Obama Clinton Democratic Rift
Tech President
Pro-Clinton Writers Go “On Strike” at DailyKos
Poli Gazette
Clinton Democrats Have Had Enough
Schism on the Lefty Netroots
BlueMass Group
Pro-Clinton Writer “Strikes” at DKos
Ben Smith - Politico
Clinton supporters on DailyKos get tired of the abuse See 4th Item Down Links to dKos Diary.
We’re also getting some coverage from the MSM out there. Check this out…
Fox News Covers Our Strike - Transcript
Well, some of the loudest language in politics these days is found on the blogosphere … now several contributors to the liberal Daily Kos Web site [THEY SHOW IMAGE OF DIARY — and scrolling down the diary to the signatures ] have said “enough is enough,” and have posted that they are on strike so to speak. The Hillary Clinton supporters claiming that site administrators allow abusive and hostile language directed at Clinton and her supporters. They say they’ll stop blogging on the site and won’t return unless the conditions change.
The list and text is from No Quarter.
Related BN-Politics Posts:
* The Media & Obama: Good Intentions Pave Rough Road
* Olbermann's Hillary Comments about Ferraro, Pro-Obama
* Studies Suggest Pro-Obama (or Anti-Hillary) Media Bias
* Hillary Clinton (Candidates' Positives, Part I)
* Obama: Because I Remember (Candidate Positives, Pt. II)
Tell me why these elite Federal government officials have been allowed to evolve in congress to a number that they are destroying our county. They block impeachments of those who have committed treason and they block bills that would eliminate wrong doings. They interfere when they are on committees and insist on directing large contacts to substandard and even sham government contractors. It is at a point where congress can't conduct business.
Tell me why top state and federal officials who are members of this elite group have a greater alliance to the body of this group than they do to the constitution of the United States?
Posted by: Andress | March 16, 2008 at 05:05 AM
I'll tell you why: because those people aren't in politics for the sake of crafting public policy that serves the public.
They're in it for other reasons, it's not really a new group. It's some of the same people who were around during Reagan and even Nixon.
Posted by: D. Cupples | March 16, 2008 at 02:09 PM