by D. Cupples | Many media outlets rose to Barack Obama's defense and condemned Hillary Clinton for having allegedly implied during a 60-Minutes interview that Barack Obama might be a Muslim. They accused her of playing dirty politics. Until today, I hadn't seen the clip but had assumed that the accusation about Sen. Clinton's tactics was true.
Today, Media Matters' Eric Boehlert caused me embarrassment when showing evidence that Clinton's accusers were the ones playing dirty -- not Clinton. Below is a clip of her answer to CBS's interviewer, Steve Kroft.
Equally interesting is that Mr. Kroft asked the question twice during the short span of the video clip. I'm not sure why, but once should have sufficed, given that the first words out of Sen. Clinton's mouth were "Of course not."
The big question: how did our media (or Obama's campaign) translate "of course not" (followed by three No's) into a weak, wishy-washy, or implication-laden response on Sen. Clinton's part?
Memeorandum has commentary.
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