by D. Cupples | According to MSNBC, President Bush will veto any FISA legislation that doesn’t give retroactive legal immunity to telecom companies. The veto threat is detailed in a letter from Attorney General Michael Mukasey and National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell. At least twice, McConnell has made questionable statements to Congress regarding domestic spying -- one of which he had to retract.
On one hand, President Bush claims that if Congress doesn't renew the FISA bill, our nation will face grave danger from terrorists. On the other hand -- if the terrorist threat is as Mr. Bush depicts -- then by vetoing a FISA bill simply because it doesn't grant Telecom Amnesty, Mr. Bush would be the one aiding terrorists.
It's understandable that the Bush Administration craves Telecom Amnesty: when telecoms get hauled into court, their records get subpoenaed -- records likely doubling as evidence of Administration officials' crimes.
Long story short: Telecom Amesty would protect certain law-breaking Teleoms and Bush Adminsitration officials, but it would be a sock in the gut to us taxpayers -- who do have a right to know whether our well-paid "public servants" have committed crimes.
To date, I've heard nobody sum up the Telecom Amnesty situation better than MSNBC's Keith Olbermann (see video below).
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