by Teh Nutroots | I am almost too pissed off about this to blog about it. But I WOULD like to point out to all the self-righteous nitwits who are praising Nancy Pelosi for (finally) taking a stand about something, and to insist that the superdelegates 'not overrule voters' that the will of Florida voters is not going to be represented at the Convention at all. Where is the person who will speak for us? We had no control over the events that lost us our delegates. I've lost all respect for the DNC and its rules.
It's like the form-over-substance morons on the Committee and the ones who are preaching about not overriding the will of the majority can't tell the difference between the state and the individual voters like me who couldn't prevent 'the state' from making a decision we didn't approve and couldn't prevent. I'm a Democratic voter. What about my will? Talk about your 'legal fictions':
"I don't think that any states that operated outside the rules of the party can be dispositive of who the nominee is,'' Pelosi said in an interview on Bloomberg Television's ``Political Capital with Al Hunt,'' scheduled to be aired today. (
This may come as a shock to Pelosi and Howard Dean, but I voted when I did BECAUSE THAT'S WHEN THE PRIMARY WAS HELD. I didn't deserve to have my vote not count.
So all this crap about 'superdelegates' just infuriates me further. Screw the DNC, screw its rules, and screw everyone who is now rearing up on their hind legs to preach about fair play, etc.
As for the DNC, smell you later, you power-obsessed little warts. I'll be one of the ones standing outside the convention center waving a sign and holding up my middle finger. You know what's 'bitterly divisive'? Disenfranchising Democrats in one of the most populous states because of a decision made by their REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURE.
I really need to swear, but Damozel and D Cupples don't like that. But I can say this:
NOTE TO THE DNC: You can all kiss my disenfranchised Florida ass.