Posted by Damozel | I've seen in one second about all I can stomach of these. Look at them if you can and draw your own conclusions. From The Raw Story:
The following images, published today at, have been compiled so viewers can see them in their entirety without having to reload pages. Wired obtained them from an expert defense witness in the Abu Ghraib case, psychologist Philip Zimbardo. Zimbardo speaks tomorrow at a conference, delivering a talk that reflects on his book, "The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil." Read about it here.
In their publication, the magazine wrote, "Many of the images are explicit and gruesome, depicting nudity, degradation, simulated sex acts and guards posing with decaying corpses. Viewer discretion is advised."
Perhaps the most comprehensive multimedia compilation of images from the troubled US prison in Iraq is available at, which published 279 photos and 19 videos in 2006.
"Troubled" is good. I'd use words a lot stronger to describe the actions that I see here if I could talk about it at all, which I can't. Unless I can somehow process this and muster up sufficient detachment to say more than I've already said, the rest, for me, is silence. I can only hope that all those who enabled this will be held accountable, not just the miserable little curs and wretches who actually did their foul work for them.
On the issue of public reaction, The Impolitic speaks for me.
Military Interrogator: Torture isn't Operationally Effective
US Military & Intelligence Officials Weigh in on Torture Issue (Deaf Ears Dept)
I say 'Torture'; You Say 'Harsh Interrogation Techniques'.... (Updated)