Three recent polls put Hillary Clinton ahead of Barack Obama in Ohio:
.............Quinnipiac (2/18-23)....Ohio Poll (2/21-24).....ARG (2/23-24)
Given the inherent limitations of polling data, there's no cause to comment -- just figured I'd share the data and links. For commentary, speculation and a certain degree of what smells like campaigning, see CNN.
Below are recent poll results re: the Texas Primary:
...............Rasmussen (2/24).......CNN (2/22-24).....Wash. Post (2/16-20)
See Memeorandum for various commentary.
Other BN-Politics Posts:
* Nader Wants to Help Republicans (Again)
* Obama Pulls a "Rove" on NAFTA
Ohio is an absolutely classic backward,redneck state, the goobers here still think (insist) Obama is a Muslim, they think he's related to bin Ladin.
They're the dumbest people I've ever seen Even after they've been told the truth they INSIST upon believing the lies because it sounds better, to their ears.
Posted by: Margaret Wilson | March 03, 2008 at 05:57 PM
Interesting tidbit. I've found that some highly gullible people live in Florida and Texas.
And remember all those people nationwide who believed that Iraq was connected to 9/11? And the majority that believed it even after Bush, himself, debunked it in sept 2003?
Or is your point that if they're supporting hillary, they've gotta be dumb? If so, sorry for my tangent.
Posted by: D. Cupples | March 06, 2008 at 08:02 AM