Posted by Damozel | Yay, I love Ellen. Scott Shrake at The HuffPost: "It was cool. And just in the nick of time, too."
It was doubly fitting that Hillary Clinton should grab a much-needed ball of flame from Ellen "Yep, I'm Gay" DeGeneres, who made a surprise big-screen appearance onstage yesterday evening during Hillary's fundraiser rally at George Washington University here in D.C. ($200,000 raised, mostly at $25 a pop).
First: It was 1997, after all, at the height of the Bill Clinton presidency, when Ellen came out publicly as a lesbian. Second: Fitting because the audience tonight was packed with gay Hillary supporters. (How do I know? I just do.)...
I'll spare you a long, tortured "Wizard of Oz" analogy ("Pay no attention to that lesbian behind the curtain!"), but the scene just evoked it symbolically and visually, with little Dorothy/Hillary (she is tiny!) bravely imploring the Great and Powerful Oz/Ellen to help send her "home" (back to Kansas/back to the White House).....
Indeed, the entire Ellen thing was completely scripted, you could tell. But I will forgive that because the overall effect was one of a delightful surprise. We need some more fun surprises like this from the Clinton campaign. At the debate last week, I kept waiting for her to go all ninja on Barack, to say things that would make me, a tough debate-watching customer, get excited. To surprise me. But she just harped again on Barack's supposed 15 million uninsured under his health insurance plan.
I liked what I saw of Hillary tonight, she was poised and smooth, a real pro, as expected. But she really needs to display all her courage, brains and heart for the Ohio debate. The hourglass is running out fast. (Ellen Plays "Wizard of Oz" at Hillary's GWU Rally)
You can see footage of Hillary appearing on the Ellen show back in September here. I mention this because I really liked that interview. I'll post the video from yesterday when I find it. The link in Scott Shrake's piece doesn't work.
Yahoo News has more on Ellen's Hillary-support yesterday here.