by D. Cupples | According to a poll by American Research Group, Mr. Bush's approval ratings have sunk to the lowest of lows:
...........................Approve Disapprove
All Americans 19% 77%
Registered Voters 18% 78%
Republicans 45% 50%
Democrats 1% 99%
Independents 17% 75%
Crooks & Liars says that this is the lowest presidential approval rating ever, which seems to mean the lowest approval rating of any U.S. President since public-opinion polling began.
Based on data from Ropers, Attytood lists some other presidential lows -- the lowest of which (until ARG's new poll came out today) was 22% and belonged to Harry Truman. Here are some other presidential lows, none of which quite reach the abysmal depths of Mr. Bush's recent approval ratings:
Clinton: 36% (May 1993)
Bush-I: 29% (Aug 1992)
Reagan: 35% (Jan 1983)
Carter: 28% (Jul 1979)
Ford: 37% (Jan 1975)
Nixon: 23% (Jan 1974)
Johnson: 35% (Aug1968)
Just last month, Mr. Bush's aides publicly predicted that President Bush's approval ratings would likely surge to 45% before he leaves office in January 2009. The aides didn't explain how this would happen or on what basis they predicted it.
See Memeorandum for other bloggers' reactions.
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