by Teh Nutroots | " how many African-Americans, especially the next generation, are in favor of Obama for far more than racial reasons." (The Daily Dish; "The Awakening of African-Americans")
I know Andy S. means well, and a lot of what he says in this piece is probably true, but he might be very surprised to find that many African-Americans would differ with the implications of this piece and specifically his perception that: (1) politically speaking, they've been asleep, as opposed to too fed up to bother; and (2) it's "really ground-breaking" that they'd vote for Obama "for more than racial reasons." (The Daily Dish) Anyway, what he says isn't really even true considered as a generalization. What's really ground-breaking about Obama is the self-evident: an African American man finally has a shot at the presidency.
UPDATE: Kevin Drum lists some of the aspects of Obama's Iowa win that are startling.