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« Weekly Rec-Cap | Dec. 2-8, 2007 | Main | Intelligence Chief Misleads Public Again »

December 10, 2007



I'm curious how she would know what happened to her rape kit since the victims name is not put on the kit, only a tracking number. I'm also curious how the Army nurse could determine if she was raped or not from a single glance, especially 24 hours after it happened, and it is extremely unlikely that the sexual assault nurse examiner ever finds out what the rape kit determines, since it must be analyzed before such a decision can be made. Its also interesting that no dates or names or really anything but accusations and the representatives Poe's comments, theirs absolutely no information on when or how or who was involved in the rape. I'd also like to look into who KBR sends to Iraq, since she was about 19 when this happened it makes me curious. Now if the girl was raped she deserves justice for what was done to her, but I would like to have her answer these questions before anyone can decide if she was raped or not.

D. Cupples


You're right: it's odd that ABC didn't put all of those details in the article. It's part of a 20/20 investigation: perhaps the network is withholding some info until the program airs?

Warren Cancilla

Daniel, My understanding is that she was made aware of the disappearance of the rape kit ONLY upon inquiry, and it was probably not reported directly to her, anyway. Further, if the rape kit indicates that she was raped, it must have made it at least part way through the process before 'Disappearing'. In regards to the Army nurse's observations; I'm sure it was more than just a cursory glance in Jones' direction. Nurses are trained to look for physical and emotional signs of rape including, but not limited to abrasions, indications of sex, indications of forced sex, and the mental state of the alleged victim.

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