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November 22, 2007


Nap Warden

As a trader for the last 12 years on the floor of the stock exchange, I am not sure that I am a fan of Mr. Levitt...That is quite an extensive list anyway. Have a happy Thanksgiving!


I can see I don't follow politics - most of these people I do not know. Not all, but most.

Happy TT-13 and Happy Thanksgiving Day!



I don't know any one of them, but I am excused by living far away! ;-)
I have a random TT this week.

ellen b

It's good be be thankful and I admire the fact that you know enough to choose 13 public servants you are thankful for and why. Puts me to shame...
Happy TT and Thanksgiving to you...

SJ Reidhead

I like your list. How often do we think about things like this?

The Pink Flamingo

The Gal Herself

I'm so with you on 5, 11, and 12. Especially 5 and 12. It's not easy to buck the tide, and these men did.


I dont know any of those people but I I know nothing about politics...I read it anyway:) Happy TT.

Susan Helene Gottfried

Good choices. I've got a few issues with Specter (malpractice anyone??), but he's been a great advocate. Except for that malpractice thing...

Happy TT!

No nonsense girl

Wow, I like this topic...what a great one appropriate for thanksgiving !!!

Happy thanksgiving!!! :)


Fantastic idea for Thanksgiving, well done :-)


Not something I think about often enough ... too busy trying to be sarcastic ... this week's edition is for shits and giggles ... no deep thoughts ... just fun

Robin from Israel

It's so refreshing to think about the ones who've done something RIGHT for a change...

Excellent choice for the day.


Interesting. Thanks for the encouraging comment on my Thursday 13!


I recognize lots of these names but it's probably from watching The Daily Show I'm afraid. About Archibald Cox, a bumper sticker I remember from the Watergate era "Impeach the Cox-sacker."

Denise Patrick

Very interesting list. I can think of a few more that I might add to it - but I like who you have.

Thanks for visiting my TT!

Mom Not Mum

I don't know much about politics and politicians so it's always a learning experience coming over here. Great list.

Babyamore (Trish)

I know nothing about these men (living in Aust) but from the short description they sound very worthy.


I must admit to not really knowing any of these names except in passing. *hangs head in shame* Happy Thanksgiving!

Adelle Laudan

Being a Canadian, I don't recognize most of these. Kewl of you to acknowledge them!
Happy Turkey Day!


I don't know any of those people, but I think it's great that you are thankful for what they have done. There are so many negative people and it's refreshing to see positive thoughts, especially public servants - they don't usually get that kind of attention.


My knowledge of history is so bad. I've never heard of half these people! Great idea for a list. Very informative for me. Happy 13 & Thanksgiving. Thanks for stopping by.

Leslie Dicken

Hanging my head here, as well. I do not know these names...but I also do not follow politics as closely as I should. I'm glad there are people like you who DO pay attention to these very important issues! Thanks for stopping by my T13!


Very interesting list, but so many men. How about a list of women public servants?


Happy Thanksgiving and Happy TT! Great list!


well, the names don't mean much (i'm canadian) but what they fought for does. Happy Thanksgiving, and TT.

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