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November 14, 2007


Chelle Y.

Those are some great photos! I love the sunrise one over the Grand Canyon.


These were all truly amazing. Especially that red sky one, WOW!

Crimson Wife

I love the sunrise & sunset ones, thanks for sharing!


There is just something about sunrises and sunsets that give me chills. Beautiful shots!

Wacky Mommy

What a great eye he has -- fantastic pix.

Susan Helene Gottfried

Wow. Mind-blowing, some of those are.

Thanks for turning me on to him; I dig photographers.

Happy TT!!!


Fabulous Photos. # 5 tethered angel is my favorite. Thanks for sharing them.


Thanks for inviting me to participate in this project. And, thank you for your very kind words.

I chose these photographs as my "favorites" not necessarily because of their technical qualities, but mostly because of the memories they evoke. My wife, my Y-League baseball team, places I've been to with friends and family, important issues...those are what make these photos my favorites.

Thank you for sharing these!


Head Gaggler

Just beautiful. I love the first one the best.


What awesome pics!! Thanks for sharing to both of you:) Happy TT.

SJ Reidhead

I love photography. Very good, but the baseball is best.

The Pink Flamingo


Wow! Those are just AWESOME! My favorite? #5. Oh, and how come there's no #2? Just wondering...

Happy TT!


Great photos I really like the "West Texas (Barbed Wire & a Big Sunset)" one.


Some of those pictures are spectacular!
1,3,9,12, and 13!
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!
(")_ (")Š


Hi!I like all the pictures with sky. Nice pictures!


Some wonderful photos there. The Kigali one is my fave.


Oh, these are gorgeous! Thanks for introducing us to such a talented photographer!

No nonsense girl

very very beautiful pictures!!!! Great TT!!!



Beautiful pictures. So thoughtful and peaceful. Thank you for sharing them with all of us.
I appreciate you stopping by my T13 as well.


The sunsets are absolutely beautiful!


Wow - incredible photos! I especially like the sunset ones. Thank you for posting these.

And thank you for dropping by my TT-13!


Adelle Laudan

That Possum Sunset takes my breath away. It's gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing these today. Happy T13!


Those are some great photographs.
I think my favorite is the one of the Grand Canyon.
Thanks for stopping by my place earlier!


Gorgeous and the protest poster sent chills up my spine. I'm writing that down.


Wow, these just make my heart soar! What beautiful images. I post a lot of photos on my blog, but, to be honest, I didn't really take that many until I began the blog. Since then I have become a photography enthusiast, and hardly a day goes by without the uploading onto Flickr of at least one new image. I think I'll go and check out Greg's Flickr account!

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