Posted by Damozel | I've said it before: I love Angry Edwards. Millions of Americans are wondering how Congressmen manage to find funding to cover not only their own generous salaries but also health insurance for their families, while not able to see their way clear to extending the same benefits to those whose salaries aren't funded by the federal government (a/k/a "The Taxpayers").
See video clip on next page....
I found this video via fellow Thirteener "the teach" at Work of the Poet.
If universal health care isn't necessary for the Americans who pay their (and their staffers') wages, why is it necessary for them? They are much better able to fund their own insurance than, say, a 22 year gas station attendant with two kids. Let's let them pay for their own insurance and pass the benefits on to those who need them more.
In the meantime, this blogger gets the gist, but misses the point, reframing Edwards' distinguished career as a trial lawyer and US senator by calling him a "slip and fall lawyer," resorting to that favorite fallacy of bloggers from both the right and the left: the argument ad hominem. I'm sure that many others, but particularly a certain breed of self-styled conservative will do the their own detriment and to the detriment of their families. Sigh. Maybe medicine will find a cure for cutting off your nose to spite your face, but will the people who need it most be able to afford it?
Brit Perspective: Minette Marrin's Attack on Michael Moore
House Passes Revised Children's Health Care Bill Against Unedifying Backdrop of Partisan Politics
Private Insurers Milking Medicare (i.e., Seniors & Taxpayers)
Eugene Robinson: Bush's Veto Lies
Bush Vetoes BiPartisan Children's Health Care Bill
Insurance Companies Get Away with Overbilling Medicare
Jane Hamsher on the Trouble with "Getting Sick in George Bush's America" -- and She's not Alone
The Cost of Health Care for the Seriously Ill: A Survivor Speaks to the Edwards Campaign.
The Yahoo Democratic Debate Video Mash-Up (with bonus questions by Bill Maher).
John Edwards Tersely Comments on the Departure of Gonzalez.
[Elizabeth] Edwards for President! (The Salon Interview).
The Angrier Edwards is a Strangely Compelling Edwards
Elizabeth Edwards Asks Ann Coulter to be More Civil.
Judge Determines that Three Drug Companies engaged in Unfair and Deceptive Pricing.