Posted by Cockney Robin | Here at BN-Politics we love political satirist Jon Swift, often ringing up one another in the middle of the night to read bits of his latest to one another while giggling madly.
So it seems a shame that the 2007 Weblog awards for funniest blog have, like everything else, been politicised by the misguided members of the always-wrong-about-everything Right. A right-wing blog called 'Funnies for Dummies' (or similar; read about them here) has been agitating the emotionally labile members of its base to get out the vote lest its nearest rival, the very funny Sadly, No! prevail. But instead of just laughing in the digital faces of those attempting to divert a fun internet competition to their political ends, Sadly, No! and their leftward-tilting readers (perhaps just a hair more excitable than us staid moderates) chose to pick up the Dummies' threadbare gauntlet and to turn out by the thousands to prevent a victory for the Dummies. And in fact the votes for SN now far outstrip those for the Dummies, since your basic right-winger is a terrifyingly earnest person and right-wing 'humour' is---with a very few exceptions or maybe only one (P.J.)---conspicuously unskilled.
Which is sad because the purpose of the competition is to support the funniest blog. And also because Jon Swift, who has my vote for the internet's funniest, has been left behind as readers rush to throw all their votes (you can vote once every 24 hours) to ensure an ever more crushing victory to SN.
Suddenly, I find that I have become the Ralph Nader of the blogosphere. Despite all of my efforts to bring laughter and delight to you, my readers, modestly blogging my fingers to the bone...some of you have turned on me, calling me a spoiler, comparing me to perhaps the least funny, most egotistical man on Earth. How could I not feel hurt and betrayed?
I would like to remind everyone that the Weblog Awards is not a two-party system. You will have ample opportunity to hold your nose and vote against the candidate you despise in the Presidential election next year, so why not vote for a blog you like this time around? (The Ralph Nader of the Blogosphere?)
Exactly, which is why I (despite my great affection for, and admiration of, Sadly, No!) am giving my endorsement to Jon Swift. Vote here.
Or, if you don't know Jon Swift, look here at modest JS's own personal favorites from the JS collection, where you will find a smorgasbord of Swift.
Some things really shouldn't be reduced to politics.
Jon Swift: Bush Administration Policies--Good for America's Children
Jon Swift: "Burma Schmurma."
Dept of Guys Called Jon: "Are We Tasering People Enough?" (plus bonus Jon Stewart clip)
Damozel's Quote of the Week, or Maybe the Year to Date. Jon Swift: Conservatives Less Gay Than Alleged?
13 of Our Favorite Posts by Political Satirist (and Sensible Conservative) Jon Swift. (T13 #1)
Swift on Althouse.
Damozel's Quote[s] of the Week: Conservative Jon Swift with Not One, but Two, Modest Proposals.
Thank you very much for your support. I am verklempt, as they say in the old country.
Posted by: Jon Swift | November 06, 2007 at 02:40 PM