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November 26, 2007



You go, Deb. It's so easy to say the causes are elusive and complex, as the Times does. Yeah, maybe they are, but the elephant in the kitchen is the profit motive being applied to our health. Thanks for cutting to the chase.

tokyo ex-pat

I live in Japan where it's nationalized healthcare. Everyone is covered. You are either covered by your employer or by you city government. I think we pay about $300-$400 a month for a family of five. Dental care is also included. If we go to the doctor, the kids and I pay 30%, my husband 20%. I usually pay the pediatrician about $12 for a first visit and around $8 for any follow up visits. I hardly ever have prescriptions over $10. In my city, all children are free up to age 6 when they start elementary school. Much to like, you think?

I can go to any doctor I want. Generally there are no appointments. It's walk in, first come-first serve. But you get seen within a reasonable time usually. Still, if one doctor appears busy, there's generally another nearby you can try out.

I don't worry that if my husband loses his job that we'll lose our insurance. I don't worry that we can't get in unless we make an appointment weeks in advance. I really don't understand the pushback to universal healthcare. The US has so many systems around the world to look at, compare and get it right. All the country needs is the will and the right leader.


The NYT article is the typical sort of nonsensical information constantly fed to us by Marketing Executives and Academic Scholars. The author sites various unqualified sources and vague studies so that every conceivable, but mostly irrelavant, variable is considered in the discussion. The message, as always, is that the cost structure within the healthcare system is far too complex for any mortal to understand; let alone fix.

How dare you suggest that the altruistic companies charged with delivering to us the best health care in the world are defrauding the government and taxpayers!

What will you suggest next; maybe you think some of the Pharma middlemen are unneccesary? Don't you dare suggest that one single fee, rebate, discount, or kickback earned by the Manufacturer, Primary wholesaler, Repackager, Secondary wholesaler, GPO, PBM, and Drug Store be reduced or discarded. And whatever you do, don't even think about eliminating any one of these vital middlemen who each get a peice of the action on every pill we buy.

Although every $1 spent by the government to go after healthcare fraud returns $15 in overpayments made by government programs; don't think about using that money to get back even more of Big Pharma's ill-gotten booty.

Yes Deb, you and I know there are simple solutions that would drastically reduce the billions of dollars in fraud, waste, and abuse within our healthcare system, but that's not the American way. After all, Big Pharma pays good money to ensure their Politicians keep the Pharma Industry vital and profitable for all the wonderful humanitarian companies involved.

D. Cupples

Tokyo Expat, wow. You're lucky. Thanks for sharing that.

D. Cupples

PharmaFraud, I have hope. Seriously. The more people write about these issues, the more likely the issues will (one day) hit the mainstream.

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