Regardless of where you stand on the issue of climate change, watch this video. It's not designed to change -- or even address -- anyone's opinion. It merely discusses the possible courses of action and their consequences, and it is possibly the most lucid thing I've heard anyone, pro or con, say on the subject. Watch it. It will be nine minutes well spent.
Global Warming "Over-Hyped"? And How Much Hype Would be Just Right?
More on Gore and Media Memes: Did "A Gaggle of Journalists" Misreport the "9 Errors" Case?
A Response to the Critics Acid Raining on Gore's Parade (UPDATED)
Vehicle Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Progress
A New and Different Alarming Threat from Climate Change
Meanwhile, in the UK: That Rainy Day Feeling.
What are These People Doing?What, No Love for the Greener, Environmentally Friendly, Friend-of the-Earth Bush?