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October 10, 2007


Chelle Y.

"Whoosh, right over my head!" :)

Your TT's are always so educational!


Wow. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


Oh my goodness, this hurt my head to read it! What a mess we have here...

Thanks for stopping by my T-13 :-)

Susan Helene Gottfried

That was interesting (I like the subordinates who authorize things, especially the one who was ORDERED to!), but got even more so with the note at the end. Hmm. Gotta think about those choices. Can I have neither?

Happy TT!

Amy R

That always scares me, and up here in Canada, tonight we had our general election and referendum.

I wonder who you can trust.

Susan Helene Gottfried

I'm stopping back over to say that my fictional band's grown up. They've done their share of damage in their day, have no fear!

Always glad to see you visit!


Wow.....that is a lot of waste!

Thanks for visiting my TT....though I might have to refer to you as Oatmeal Palmetto from now on! Happy Thursday


Although it makes me angry, it's good to know things like this. You made a good point about what might happen if we didn't have to subsidize other peoples' luxury fares.

The Gal Herself

I'm feeling like a sucker for hoarding my measley American Airlines miles so I can fly first class for free. I guess if I were a government employee, I could fly first class just by saying, "please."

No Nonsense girl

It makes me soo angry!!!! My TT is up if you want to visit!!!


That was scary! I didn't know I was so generous!


Just goes to show, working for the government does have SOME perks ;-) Sorry, but I just have to laugh or else I'll get really pissed, and it's too late at night for that.

Lori im pissed....AGAIN!! lol...thanks for the facts. Happy TT.


Great, informative TT. I am a public servant and am alway so conscious of how I spend taxpayers dollars. What you've reported on is truly disgusting!


Ok, so where do I go to apply for a government job?

The bastards.

Nap Warden

OK first, this gets me whipped up. I am getting tired of Govt. spending. Second, I say "let 'em eat/fly coach"! Happy TT.

Nap Warden

I'm with you..."Let'em eat coach"...The whole thing just gets me whipped up!


Hmmm... and here I thought these kind of things only happen in my country... thanks for the enlightenment :)

Happy TT!


Sadly the private sector is much better at this sort of thing - even on 12 hour transatlantic flights where I had to go straight into meetings I was still stuck in coach. I think I chose the wrong profession...

And I have to wonder, how many of the world's poor could we feed without all this waste.


It's the same the world over. I'm sure it's one of the UK news headlines today that they've uncovered the excessive expense claims in our government. Every time it's highlighted it comes as a surprise and as a disappointment. A very informative TT!
Thanks for visiting my TT, btw.


At what point do politicians cease to see themselve as "the people"? When does the cult of personal celebrity begin to justify the excess they "need" in order to do their job? A job, by the by, that is suppose to be done on behalf of the very people they see themselves as too good to mingle with in coach.

I love coming here, and will continue to come here, but some days...some days I just don't have the room to take it in without wanting to rant about it. *Sigh*


mom not mum

#5 is a hot topic in my husband's current job. People on the East coast get slighted while those on the West fall under the 14 hour travel time. Eh, not our fault they live in DC. LOL


This is a hard read -- but oh, so, true.

Secret Agent Mama

How infurriating!!

Carrie Lofty

Damn, I love what you do at this site, but it's so friggin' depressing.

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