Posted by Damozel | Bob Schwartz, our favorite South Dakota Moderate, has some loving words about Rush Limbaugh and his followers. "The war dodging chickenhawk Rush Limbaugh really brings out the best in his listeners," he remarks in a posting called "Letters From The Edge," before producing proof in the form of an excerpt from a letter received by Brandon Friedman of
In case you independents and Republican moderates out there get confused from time to time---what with all the "Betray-us" and "the phony soldiers" and the other issues of mass distraction---about which side you're on, please go to this post and to to refresh your recollection about the characteristic mindset of the phony soldiers of Limbaugh's armchair army of "Dittoheads."
Bill O'Reilly Says: "Racism is Dumb" -- and Proves it!
Rush Thinks Troops Against the War are "Phony Soldiers"
Bill & Bill (O'Reilly & Maher) Together Again!
Fox News Defends Giuliani: When Is a Cigar Just a Cigar?
[UPDATED] Chris Dodd vs.Bill O'Reilly!; or Kos & Anti-Kos
Cockney Robin Deconstructs William Kristol's "Why Bush Will be a Success."News Flash: Fox Report of Lesbian Gangs "Overstated."
Fox News Guest: Only a Military Coup Can Restore Our Values.