Posted by D. Cupples | A couple weeks ago, Truthout's Matt Renner wrote an article featuring interviews with attorney Alan Grayson, who pursues whistleblower cases against government contractors. The article highlights acting-Attorney General Peter Keisler, who -- while working as a Justice Department supervisor -- had "purposely delayed investigations into Iraq contractor fraud" because they would mean bad press for President Bush.
November's Vanity Fair has an article based on interviews with Grayson, called The People vs. the Profiteers. Here's a tiny quote :
"Over the past 16 years, Grayson has litigated dozens of cases of contractor fraud. In many of these, he has found the Justice Department to be an ally in exposing wrongdoing. But in cases that involve the Iraq war, the D.O.J. has taken extraordinary steps to stand in his way. Behind its machinations, he believes, is a scandal of epic proportions-one that may come to haunt the legacy of the Bush administration long after it is gone."
See the posts linked on next page for other examples of waste, fraud and abuse that we taxpayers have endured.
Related posts:
* Contractor Fraud: Driving Up Healthcare Costs?
* Time for Pentagon to Get Serious about Contractor Fraud
* How the Energy Dept. Incinerated Tax Dollars
* New Orleans Still Suffering after 2 Years and Billions of Tax Dollars
* Tax Dollars Funding Luxury Travel
* Billions over Baghdad: Poor Accounting Allowed Waste & Fraud
* Officials Allowed Oil Companies to Underpay Royalties
* Defense Dept. Rewarding Bad Contractor Performance?
* How the Defense Dept. Flushes Dollars Down
* Gov. Contractors: Driving up War's Costs
* State Dept. Staff Threatened for Cooperating with Congress re: Blackwater
* Have U.S. Officials Protected Blackwater?
* New Evidence of Blackwater's Bad Behavior...
* State Dept. Inspector Blocked Investigations?
* Justice Dept. Official Turned Blind Eye to Contractor Fraud?
* Contractor UNISYS in Trouble Again