Posted by Damozel | Sensible conservative Jon Swift dares once more to say what other conservatives are afraid to admit, explaining why Bush's veto of SCHIP is good for America's children. Here's my favorite bit (though you'll want to read the whole thing).
We can only hope it is not too late to save our spoiled little brats. The Children's Health Insurance Program is already just giving away health care for free to millions of children, but Congress and many states are trying to turn more of our kids into little welfare princes and princesses. Luckily, the Bush Administration has stepped in and not only resisted efforts to increase the program but has created a new set of stiff rules that will throw millions of children out of the government giveaway program... If children really want health care so badly, the President has suggested, they can always go to hospital emergency rooms....
We need to teach our children at a young age what it means to live in a free market economy, not turn them into budding little Marxists dependent on the nanny state. Of course, there will be some collateral damage, like the four-year-old boy who died of lead poisoning after swallowing a metal charm that came with Reebok shoes that contained 90% lead. That is the price we pay for being free. No one is too young to learn to take responsibility for their own well-being. This child was not forced by anyone to swallow his toy. It was a decision he made on his own and he paid the consequences for it.... Those children who have not perished from stupidly eating their toys or succumbed to preventable illnesses will be stronger because of his policies and they will thank him if they manage to become adults. Jon Swift, Bush to Kids: Grow Up!
Let's Not Provide Insurance for Poor Children at the Expense of Private Insurers!
The Cost of Health Care for the Seriously Ill: A Survivor Speaks to the Edwards Campaign.