Posted by Damozel | Eugene Robinson at The Washington Post: Bush's Veto Lies.
Health care is arguably the biggest domestic issue in the presidential contest and, while the candidates and the country may be all over the map in terms of comprehensive solutions, there's a pretty broad consensus that some way has to be found to ensure that children, at least, are covered.
Make that an extremely broad consensus: According to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released this week, 72 percent of Americans supported the bill Bush vetoed.
The program Congress voted to expand provides health insurance for children who fall into a perilous gap: Their families make too much money to qualify for Medicaid but don't make enough to afford health insurance. The cost of covering an additional 4 million children was estimated at around $35 billion over five years. That's a lot of money. But in the context of a $13 trillion economy -- and set against Bush's history of devil-may-care, "buy the house another round" spending -- it's chump change.
To see Bush's -- er, we'll say misunderstandings -- of this strongly bipartisan bill exposed, read the article. For anyone who believes the -- er, we'll say misinterpretations -- of right wing bloggers and presidential candidates (Giuliani, McCain, Romney) who seem to support the veto, this article is a must-see. Unless, of course, you really don't want to know why Republicans such as Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) are, in Robinson's words, "sputtering in incomprehension" over the veto and why other Congressional Republicans who supported SCHIP aren't any happier. (There is none so blind as he/she who will not see!)
The timing on this one isn't good for Republicans. Will the front-running Republican candidates (eventually) catch on? "It’s striking...that Bush’s would-be Republican successors all agree with the ridiculous White House line." (Crooks and Liars)
Wall Street Journal: GOP Losing its Grip on Main Street Republicans? A note on the "Coming Realignment."
New Poll & Breakdown -- Republicans Bombed re: War, Healthcare, Economy, Terrorism....
Jon Swift: Bush Administration Policies--Good for America's Children
Bush Vetoes BiPartisan Children's Health Care Bill
The GOP Fight Over the Children's Health Insurance Program.
Let's Not Provide Insurance for Poor Children at the Expense of Private Insurers!
The Cost of Health Care for the Seriously Ill: A Survivor Speaks to the Edwards Campaign.
Eugene Robinson, Bush's Veto Lies (Washington Post)
Frudy McRomney backs Bush on blocking kids healthcare (Crooks and Liars)