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« Mukasey's Views on Torture: More Flexible than Advertised | Main | Probe re: Embassy in Iraq & State Dept. Officials »

October 19, 2007



Considering that this case is already in litigation, amnesty has the effect of being an ex post facto law, penalizing those citizens who are supporting the lawsuit. With Joe Nacchio, it could strip him of a defense for his conviction. For the couple who were prosecuted for providing to Jim McDermott a recording of a call of Gingrich planning to violate his sworn promises to the House Ethics Committee, this is a clear statement that some people are above the law, and ordinary citizens are beneath it.

To provide amnesty at this late date is an expression of deep contempt for the law. It is lawlessness.

The Crux

As usual, Charles, your analysis is dead-on.

The Crux

As usual, Charles, your analysis is dead-on.

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