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« State Dept.'s Odd & Untimely Reactions to Blackwater Scandals | Main | A Response to the Critics Acid Raining on Gore's Parade (UPDATED) »

October 12, 2007



Personally, Deb, I don't mind so much the carping on the Right about Gore's accolades. Those who do so seem to only run themselves into the ground by going after him with such damaged zeal.

The thing that's getting to me is hearing how tired someone like Gore is (and I know, I know, he's not alone) of the personal attacks and the trite, idiotic parry and thrust of our national political mainstream over the least important aspects of style or personality. It seems that most of the people who we need now to run for office are disgusted with what it takes to win an election in our poisoned era.

…and those who do run by actually discussing the issues are dismissed for being irrelevant.

I'm not sure what it's gonna take to change that, either.

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