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September 19, 2007



#13 is a favorite quote of mine. Happy TT.

Chelle Y.

Great list! You sure did a lot of research this week!

The Gal Herself

So proud of the quotes from JFK and Truman! It represents my country at its best. Thanks for the reminder of who we have been, and who we may be again someday.


#12 could have many, many implications. Should be tatooed on the foreheads of abusers everywhere. Absolutely great list!! Thanks for sharing those (and looking them all up!)
Happy TT!

Comedy Plus

Great list and true too. Steller job. Have a great TT. :)


Greawt stuff!! Happy TT.


GREAT list. I like Truman's and Kennedy's quotes the best.

Happy TT.


Wow, awesome, awesome list (yet again). I'm a big fan of the Kennedy quote.

Wylie Kinson

I was always against censorship in any form, until I had children. Now, a small part of me would like to censor *some things* to protect them from the big, bad world.
It's an overprotective mother thing I think.
I'll get over it, I'm sure! :)

Nicole Austin

Great list! Its horrible when opinions, ideas and creativity are stifled because of fear. Without open expression and sharing of ideas we'd still be living as cavemen.

Secret Agent Mama

I always feel smart reading your TT!!!

Heather Rae Scott

This is another great list! I always seem to learn something over here and I love #13.

Wacky Mommy

This column was very timely for Wacky House -- esp. #10.

Happy Thursday, everyone.


I just read the comment you left on my blog about linking.. not really sure what you meant but I've now enabled something to do with links so maybe that will help?!

I like your TT!


They are all great quotes but 12 and 13 are definite favorites.

Thanks for giving me more to add to my quote collection. :)



A very good list and all those quotes are worth remembering. Censorship is one of the greatest evils we face -- people in elite committees deciding what you and I may read and see. You can't have just a little censorship any more than you can have just a little cancer.

Robin from Israel

Can I just say ditto to Nicholas' comment? He said it better than I would have.


Great list :)

Happy TT!


What a fantastic list. I especially like the quotes by Truman, Kennedy, and John Stuart Mill. Thanks for providing some food for thought.


Wonderful TT! I took quotes some from your list to add to my favorites.


Interesting list! Happy TT'ing, and thanks for stopping by my place!


Very interesting! And I learned something:)

Michelle Davis Petelinz

#13 is so, so true in our current times.
Excellent, thought-provoking TT!

Seeley deBorn

Censor the censors! ;)


13 is my favorite. It's very true and brings to mind a never ending circle. Once it starts, it just keeps going and a watcher will always be needed.

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