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« Petraeus & Crocker Report (Day 2): Even Republicans are Skeptical | Main | Is War with Iran Next and Will a Draft Follow? »

September 13, 2007



"If Bush is serious about fixing (de-politicizing) the Justice Department" ... then pigs will fly.

Maybe Karl Rove resigned from his White House job so he'd be available for the Attorney General post. He's not a lawyer, but in the Bush Administration, lack of qualification is no hindrance.


I think Republicans regard perjury during hearings as a job qualification. Rehnquist, Clarence Thomas, Alito, Olson.... The list of people who said things material to the job for which they were interviewing and which really don't appear to be true is growing long.

The Crux

Yes, Charles: that does seem to be the case. Kay Bailey Hutchison publicly stated that perjury isn't a real crime (or was it obstruction of justice) when talking about Scooter Libby. I doubt she'd come to our rescue if one of us tried lying to a court or thwarting a police investigation.

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