posted by Damozel | which I mean the sort of Republican I remember and even---yes!---used to be.
Hagel is a Republican, but since he's not a liar or a fool or a neocon (in case you consider this a distinct category), he is perfectly able to see (and to say) that his party has gone far astray and needs to be brought back to center. Furthermore, he doesn't have the ludicrous tendency to treat politics as if it were a team sport: if your people let you down, you have to support them against all odds and all reason because they're yours, instead of acknowledging you were deceived and that you're disappointed and that it's time to start over.
As Carl Bernstein later said on the show, Hagel---who has announced he is retiring---is intensely scathing about George Bush, General Petraeus, and the Iraq war. He also gave his views on the probable reaction of Congress if Bush proposes---or attempts---any action against Iran. Let us pray.
Anyway: Chuck Hagel!