Posted by The Crux | Two things: 1) laws are only as good as the enforcers, and 2) every tax dollar going toward fraud is one less dollar for legitimate needs. According to attorney Alan Grayson, who represents whistleblowers against government contractors, acting U.S. Attorney General Peter Keisler had not taken action against contractors reportedly involved in fraud. Truthout's Matt Renner reports:
"Grayson said Keisler has purposely delayed investigations into Iraq contractor fraud because of Keisler's political allegiance to the Bush administration. Keisler has refused to prosecute whistleblower lawsuits because Bush 'does not want more bad news coming out of Iraq,' Grayson said, adding 'to have an entire class of cases treated this way is truly unprecedented....'
"Keisler was appointed by President Bush ...
to serve as the acting attorney general after Alberto Gonzales resigned in September. In July 2003, Keisler, became the assistant attorney general in charge of the civil division, roughly three months after the invasion of Iraq.... The civil division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) is tasked with enforcing contract fraud laws and investigating whistleblower complaints....
"Under Keisler's leadership, the DOJ civil division has refused to join any whistleblower suits against Iraq war contractors."
Recent reports suggest that Administration officials are not protecting us taxpayers from fraud and abuse.
For example, State Department Inspector General Howard Krongard has reportedly blocked investigations into contractor fraud in Iraq. A few days ago, the House Oversight committee found evidence that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was not fostering cooperation re: probes into Blackwater USA, a contractor under investigation for overcharging the taxpayers, killing civilians, and smuggling weapons.
Though Congress passed laws two years ago to overhaul Pentagon procurement, congressional hearings last week indicate that Pentagon officials have done little to prevent contractor fraud or monitor contractors.
The posts linked below evince widespread and ongoing problems with contractor waste, fraud and abuse.
* Inspector General Blocked Investigations of Waste & Fraud?
* Time to Get Really Serious About Contractor Fraud
* Contractor Blackwater in Hot Water Again
* Blackwater Ordered out of Iraq
* Have U.S. Officials Protected Blackwater?
* Gov. Contractors: Driving up War's Costs?
* Defense Dept. Rewarding Bad Contractor Performance?
* Billions over Baghdad: Poor Accounting Allowed Waste & Fraud
* How the Defense Dept. Flushes Dollars Down Latrine
* Contractors Offering Bribes to Army Personnel?
Trinity Video Communications a small private company was awarded a no bid $40,000,000.00 FBI contract and many other defense contracts.
Posted by: Mike | March 05, 2009 at 11:07 AM