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August 29, 2007



Very educational list. Thanks for the effort and the education.


Mark Caldwell

A great and well put together list although unwritten constitution is one of those phrases that annoys me because the vast majority of the UK's constitution is written in the form of our laws rather than a neat little document that becomes the topic of endless debate and political wrangling with a very small part of it unwritten. The US constitution on the other hand is a single document but actually fails to enumerate many things that US citizens take for granted (and so in effect has unwritten components).


I like visiting this blog. My husband is studying to be a history teacher. I think he may even read it.

Very educational T13!
Happy T13!

Nicole Austin

Very informative list!

Happy TT!

Comedy Plus

What a great TT. I had no idea. This is becoming a good place for my weekly history lesson. Have a great TT. :)

Susan Helene Gottfried

Well, I just learned a lot. Thanks!

Now if we could only convince the American politicians that a shorter campaign period is better...


Once again, thanks for the weekly history lesson!

The Gal Herself

Imagine! A Speaker who has no political opinions! It boggles my mind. Thanks for sharing.

The Gal Herself

Imagine! A Speaker who has no political opinions! It boggles my mind. Thanks for sharing.


Excellent information! I always learn something when I visit. Thanks for stopping by Snarkypants! :)

Happy Thursday.


Very informative and educational list. Thanks for sharing. Happy TT!


Great Thursday Thirteen! I was surprised at the differences, and I really wish our politicians would get over themselves, give us a break and only campaign for a few weeks instead of YEARS!

But then, they aren't really interested in what any of us think, are they?


Great list.

I only wish we did #3


Very interesting ! Here in Belgium the King has only representative functions the only thing he does is to approve the government once it's elected.


I didn't realize that the minimum age of a PM was 21. I also like the rule that calls for them to be out of the office before lunch the next day.


Definitely a lot there that I was unaware of, will have to keep an eye out for more things I may miss.

Happy TT.


Thanks for dropping by. Happy TT :)


What I great list! I get to learn a lot from it. Happy T13!


Oh that campaigns were only mere weeks long!

Informative post, thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing your list :) Oh, and thanks for dropping by my blog!


Thanks for my weekly lesson. Can't wait until next week :)

#12...I'd forgotten you could be a politician and nnot mention God.


The Nononsense

Very very interesting and highly educational.

That's a great TT!

Visit me ------>


Thank you for visiting my TT.

I enjoyed your very educational TT.


Terrific post! Thanks for bringing meaningful content to the world of blogging!


I love anything that can provide me with some education and history. Thanks for that
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