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« T-13 #6: 13 Facts about the Constitution & Separation of Powers | Main | White House Forgets Facts, History »

August 15, 2007



So, you think that the check & balance system currently working well? Is there anything that you would do to improve it?


This is fascinating stuff! I'm shortly to apply for citizenship, and this is just the kind of thing I will have to learn.


Oh, and my own TT is up, too. ;)


YEY for a liberal blogger!! If you've got KOS in your blogroll, you're a friend of mine.

Excellent and educational 13. Thanks for this. (Reading it all now!)

Have a good thursday!


Goes to show, you learn something new everyday......

thanks for visiting my TT. Happy Thursday!


Wow, I haven't seen it laid out like that since law school... Nice TT.

Comedy Plus

Have a great TT. :)


Great TT! I actually remember most of that from high school, and boy was that a long time ago. Different hot topics in those days. Can anyone say Watergate?


Interesting list as always. Reading this took me back to my high school government class. :-)

Thanks for visiting my list!

Thomma Lyn

Interesting list -- and refreshing and relevant to the troubled times the U.S. is experiencing. I think this T13 ought to be required reading at the White House.

Thanks for a great T13, and thank you for visiting mine! :)


Of course, there are examples of working around the checks and balances on both sides. That's politics. Fortunately, the checks and balances work in the long run - most of the time.

You always have such interesting and informative posts!


Interesting choice for a Thursday Thirteen.


Oh, this brings back pleasant memories of Gov 101. Great condensation. I wish I had this list before enrolling in that class.

Tour Marm

Great TT! I have to explain all this to my students and parents on tour! The beauty of this is works!

Tour Marm

Great TT! I have to explain all this to my students and parents on tour! The beauty of this is works!

Tour Marm

Great TT! I have to explain all this to my students and parents on tour! The beauty of this is works!

Tour Marm

Great TT! I have to explain all this to my students and parents on tour! The beauty of this is works!

emma wayne porter

I wish more people understood these things. And I wish I understood why we need "separation" between the DOJ, CIA, and MI.


Wow, I really learn something new every time I visit here. Fascinating, thanks!
My TT is about BED.


I have never been so thoroughly informed and reminded of past knowledge as I have been on this lovely, much too early morning.

Thank you. I'll make sure to come back often.



An excellent reminder.

Happy TT.


Very informative, thanks for writing this.

Susan Helene Gottfried

Wow, I remembered all of this from my high school and college government classes. Guess stuff DOES filter in while you sleep. (Hey, I slept through English, too; I'm not a subject-sensitive sleeper!)

Happy TT and thanks for visiting again this week. Really nice to see you again.


I didn't know some of this stuff. Thanks. Happy TT!


I like seeing relevant issues along with the facts. Thanks for sharing!

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