Bush Appointee Blocked Health-Related Report for Political Reasons
William Steiger, who has no healthcare-related expertise yet became head of the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Global Health Affairs, not only blocked publication of the former Surgeon General's report linking healthcare and poverty (Washington Post), but also criticized the work of people who do have healthcare expertise ( BN-Politics 1 and BN-Politics 2).
Senate Panel Subpoenaed Karl Rove and Scott Jennings
Documents and testimony indicate that White House staffers Karl Rove and J. Scott Jennings were involved in the U.S. Attorney firings. After the two men blew off the Senate Judiciary Committee's requests for information, Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy took the only step he could: issued subpoenas to Rove and Jennings. (See BN-Politics, including links to letters and subpoena text)
Senators Call for Perjury Investigation re: Gonzales After FBI Official Refuted Him
Last week, FBI Director Robert Mueller joined a growing list of officials who contradicted Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' congressional testimony (given under oath) re: meetings about the NSA's warrantless wiretapping programs: four senators, none of them Patrick Leahy, called for an independent counsel to investigate whether Gonzales committed perjury (BN-Politics, Washington Post, The Hill, and NYT).
More Documents Released re: Illegal Vote Caging
More operatives have been added to the list of people who allegedly engaged in vote caging during Election 2004 (Truthout and BN-Politics).
Army Officer & Family Arrested re: Iraq Contractor Bribery Scheme
An Army major, his wife and his sister were allegedly involved in taking bribes or kickbacks in return for government contracts (Washington Post)
Hillary Clinton's V-Necked Shirt is Still in the News
What started as a fluff piece in the Washington Post's fashion section on July 20 has garnered much media attention ever since, including brief criticism of that piece from another WaPo writer. Bloggers everywhere have jumped into the fray, including BN-Politics (Cleavage Gate 1 and Cleavage Gate 2).