The BBC, having suggested that her Majesty "flounced" out of an Annie Leibovitz photo shoot "in a huff" and that she "lost it," has apologised for this grave act of lese majeste. (BBC)
Specifically, the footage "showed the Queen apparently staging a walkout after being
asked by the photographer, Annie Leibovitz, to remove her tiara. The
film had been misleadingly edited so that the Queen seemed to be
leaving when, in fact, she had been filmed going in to the photo shoot." (The Independent.) ""Definitely a memorable bit is Leibovitz getting it wrong and the Queen
losing it a bit and walking out in a huff," said [BBC1's chief], describing
the encounter between the celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz and Her
Majesty, and getting it really wrong.. (The Independent)
Will heads roll? The Daily Telegraph asks, as it would: "Should the controller of BBC1 step down over the Queen gaffe? (which is coincidentally the name of an opening gambit used by the champion chess player at my school.) Or, if not the controller, should someone be resigned? Americans, who don't know what they miss by having no monarchy, may find the responses instructive.
Those who wish can see the offending clip here. Those who wish to see the apology may view it here.
Yes, of course the Controller of BBC-1 should resign. He is responsible for everything that happens on his Channel. This was a deliberate attempt to deceive the viewing public, and to slur the Queen into the bargain. This can not simply brushed off with a few glib words; not if Auntie wants our trust.
Posted by: Bazzer Higgins | July 15, 2007 at 04:42 AM