Posted by PBS Mind | I'm sure that's what Senator John Sununu is saying right about now. He's slipping in the polls, seriously -- and he slips even further when matched against potential Democratic opponents. Since they haven't even declared yet, this must be especially galling for poor John. (See article from the Nashua Telegraph.)
I'm pointing this out for two reasons -- first, the public has made very clear what its expectations are of this Congress - get us out of Iraq, put a leash on W, and refocus the nation's priorities where they belong. Some of the GOP seems not to have gotten the message and should expect to be replaced, because responsibility for the lack of progess on these issues belongs squarely on them. Others in the GOP (covered ably by The Crux) are giving lip service to having changed their opinion but continue to stonewall any progress. They too, should expect to be replaced.
The second reason is that we, as the public, have an obligation to ensure that our employees either do what we elected them for or get shown the door. This Senate seat looks vulnerable. Let's bear that in mind when an opponent declares, and work to turn this country around.