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July 20, 2007



I linked to this through Friday Fifteen. I loved your list today! Mark Twain is, indeed, one of the wise and witty pundits of all time.

My favorite is the "Suppose you're an idiot..." quote.


I linked to this through Friday Fifteen. I loved your list today! Mark Twain is, indeed, one of the wise and witty pundits of all time.

My favorite is the "Suppose you're an idiot..." quote.


Thanks for the comment on my 15 things (which is how I ended up here).
I loved these quotes. I'm not a big fan of the current administration either.

jenn in holland

Hear! Hear! Mark Twain!
I love this list of quotes, and oh so fitting for today. I am quite fond of the insanity of a president quote. Yes, that's my favorite one.


I love Mark Twain! These are especially good quotes, many I hadn't seen before!

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