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July 18, 2007




That quote from Ben Franklin is one of my favorites.

Happy TT.


interesting quotes! ;)
#10 had me laughing ... :D

thanks for dropping by,
and happy TT!

Wacky Mommy

I love #1 -- so timely.


Very interesting list.

I find it interesting that even when quotes such as these are used to prove one point they can also be used to prove the opposite point. Kind of like the Bible! lol

Thanks for coming by. I'll definitely be back to read more :)


Great List. The Patrick Henry quote is cutting close to home in these days.

Thomma Lyn

That's a great list of quotes, and an excellent sampling of the range of thought the founding fathers had on issues of freedom and liberty.

Thanks for the excellent food-for-thought T13! Happy TT, and thanks for visiting mine. :)

Wylie Kinson

You've picked very timely quotes - all of them! Now if people would only take heart.


Some of the quotes are very good. A very interesting TT !

Ben Clapton

Some great quotes from some great men. Happy TT!


Every time I come here it always surprises me that I actually manage to find your list interesting, even though usually politics in any form is about as far removed from interesting to me as anything can be. ;o)
I can't really comment on these quotes, though some of them had me laughing:
#8: Yeah, right. I wish it was so. Surely doesn't look that way from the outside.
#9: I didn't know there were poets among your founding fathers.
#10: I have to write that one down somewhere. It is oh so true. ;o)


Wow! As an Humanities teacher, I'm lucky enough to teach American History this year--I'll be using some of those quotes! Great list! Happy TT!


Very thought-provoking TT. I esp. liked 1 and 10.

Candy Minx

In so many ways this is kind of overwhelming sad and awfully enjoyable and funny. It's amazing anything is worked out isn't it? A couple of the cquotes, like about unmaking the constitution are rather shocking aren't they? Good idea for a list and what an amazing political blog. good reading!


Great list! I have bookmarked it to return because I may want to reference a couple of those quotes.

Thanks for stopping by "Colloquium"!


Great list! #s 1 & 13 are my favorites.


Interesting list of quotes. I hadn't heard a few of these before. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for visiting my TT.


Seven is a great quote - hadn't read that one before. Great list, and thanks for stopping by Bloggin' Outloud. Even though I did run away to Australia (okay, as a foreign exchange student, but it felt like freedom when I was a junior in HS). Lyn


I am another one that despises politics. Your list, however was great. I will be back to read more of our site.

Veronica Arch

Interesting list! As a Canadian now living in the US I still have a lot to learn about US history. Getting it in nice size bites like this is perfect!

Thanks for stopping by!

Michelle B

These are great! I learned quite a bit, myself. I especially like the quote by Benjamin Franklin.

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