- Possible Troop Withdrawal in 2008-09 (BNP, Washington Post)
- Monday, Senate to Hold No-Confidence Vote on Gonzales (BNP)
- Immigration Bill Defeated in Senate ( WaPo, BNP )
- Two Booted off Joint Chiefs of Staff (The Hill)
- Dems Fight over Emissions Bill (BNP, LA times )
- Schlozman May Alter Last Week's Testimony (BNP)
-Candidate Debates Covered Like Fashion Show (BNP, Paul Krugman)
Criminal (perhaps)
- New Evidence: Cheney Tied to Illegal Wiretapping (BNP, WaPo)
- Abramoff Cohort Pleads Guilty ( BNP, The Hill )
- Congressman Pleads Not Guilty (BNP, BBC)
- Senator Not Part of Corruption Probe (BNP)
- Scooter Libby Gets Prison, Is Pardon Coming? (BNP and BNP)
- Paris Hilton Went to Jail, Left, Got Sent Back (BNP)