At noon today, Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty will testify before the House Judiciary Committee as part of an ongoing probe of the possible use of the Justice Department for partisan political purposes and the unprecedented firing of nine U.S. Attorneys. CSPAN will cover it.
McNulty is one of five Justice officials to announce his resignation amid the burgeoning scandal. The most recent resignation came from Mike Elston, McNulty's top aide, who was involved in the U.S. Attorney firings.
Hans von Spakovsky and Tim Griffin are also on the list of those touched by the scandal....
Von Spakovsky, a former Justice official whom President Bush appointed to the Federal Elections Commission, kept saying "I don't recall" when the Senate Rules Committee asked questions during his confirmation hearing.
Griffin, a former Interim U.S. Attorney, was reportedly involved in an illegal scheme to suppress minority voting in 2004 called "vote caging." Presidential candidate Fred Thompson offered to hire Griffin to help with is campaign. For more info, see:
- Senate Subpoenas ex-Officials and White House re: fired U.S. Attorneys
- DoJ's Schlozman Alters Testimony & Looks for Loopholes
- Karl Rove Tied to Dem Governor's Prosecution?
- U.S. Attorney Scandal Overview