posted by Damozel | THE SECRET WHITE HOUSE...UM, VISITOR LOGS. Hey, can't people give Bush a little privacy now that things aren't exactly going his way? Yes, and Cheney too, of course. [White House Follows New Path to Secrecy, The Huffington Post by Pete Yost (1 June 2007)]. Now Bush's and Cheney's lawyers are directing the Secret Service to maintain the confidentiality of visitor logs as presidential records, including the lists of visitors to the White House complex and Cheney's home." The White House says these secrets, like so many of their others are "essential to ensuring the president and vice president receive candid advice to carry out their duties." Id.
If only Clinton had thought of that! But as the article notes, he didn't. He must be kicking himself (or perhaps his lawyers). Oh well, when Hillary is president, as some day she doubtless will be, she'll be very happy that Bush had the foresight to set these precedents.... In the meantime, now that I know they're secret, I am dying to know what I'd see if I took a peek at those logs, aren't you? But a president (and, of course, a vice-president) needs his little secrets. just like the rest of us, I suppose.
EVEN HIS SUITS HAVE NICKNAMES? Poor W. Things just seem to be getting worse and worse. Top Bush Aide Dan Bartlet (wait, wasn't he in The West Wing?), who has been with him for 14 years, has resigned in order to reacquaint himself with his family." of course cynical people's first question will be "no really, why?" and their second, "why now?" According to the article, "Bartlett said he was open to job opportunities and had retained Washington attorney Bob Barnett to help him in the search." [ Jon Stewart would say that "it's just fiscal common sense."] Top Bush Aide Leaving White House, The Huffington Post, by Terence Hunt (1 June 2007)].
But I for one totally believe him and am simply very sorry that his going will deprive Bush"of one of few people who can give the president bad news or tease him about wearing a brown suit disliked by the White House staff and nicknamed Big Brown. "He can talk to the president in a candid way, in sort of a family way, that almost nobody else can," White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten told The Associated Press. "He can talk to him about Big Brown, he can joke with him."" Top Bush Aide Leaving White House, The Huffington Post, by Terence Hunt (1 June 2007)].
You have to admit that it's alarming to learn of the departure of "one of few people" who can talk to the president in a candid way "that almost nobody else can" is leaving. If one of the many dreadful disasters we've all learned to fear should occur, who will tell Bush? And who will dare to take a stand on "Big Brown"? [Top Bush Aide Leaving White House, The Huffington Post, by Terence Hunt (1 June 2007)].
Worryingly, Bush allegedly said of Bartlet's departure: "" "Dan has been a true counselor to the president. His contribution has been immeasurable."" [Key Aide to Bush Will Resign Next Month, The Washington Post by Michael A. Fletcher (2 June 2007)] So is Bush now now meant to be talking about himself in the third person? If so, definitely a bad sign. It's all right for royalty, I guess, but when other sorts of people do it, it usually suggests that they've become perhaps a bit too caught up in the internal narrative of their own lives. You don't want the president to talk about himself as if he were a character in a film or a book is all I'm saying. All things considered, including this, I can't help feeling anxious about him.
And it doesn't look as if things are going to get much easier.
VIOLENT CRIME ON THE INCREASE. Which means more trouble on the horizon for the Bush Administration, according to The Washington Post. "Crime fighting has long been a signature Republican political issue, but this week Democratic lawmakers cited the new trend as evidence of weaknesses in federal assistance to local law enforcement. "After years of driving crime rates down, we're now in reverse gear," said Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), chairman of a Senate crime subcommittee. "It's time to get back to crime-fighting basics -- that means more cops on the streets, equipped with the tools and resources they need to keep our neighborhoods safe."" [Violent Crime Up for Second Year: Some Point to Cuts in Federal Funding by Dan Eggen, The Washington Post (2 June 2007)] (link in original).
Fortunately for Bush, his good friend "Al" has got his back. According to Attorney General Gonzalez: "In general, it doesn't appear that the current data reveal nationwide trends," said Gonzales, who did not disclose specific numbers from the report. "Rather, they show local increases in certain communities. Each community is facing different circumstances, and in many places violent crime continues to decrease." [Violent Crime Up for Second Year: Some Point to Cuts in Federal Funding by Dan Eggen, The Washington Post (2 June 2007)] But how can we feel satisfied with these helpful assurances, given Gonzalez's rather unreassuring performance in the recent hearings?