Posted by PBS Mind | The other day I posted A Question Worth Asking, which concerned Democrat in-fighting over a Congressional response to a California-based emissions initiative.
Some additional commentary: 1) Part of the answer has hit me. I freely admit it was a Time magazine reporter who put it together by reminding me that liquid coal is once again before the House and Rick Boucher comes from the heart of coal country. DOH!
2) But I'm hopeful -- because in the same Time article, I learned a great deal I hadn't known about Congressman Dingell's record and his commitment to fight global warming, despite the fact that he comes from Michigan. (In fact, the article points out that his relationship with the Big Three automakers may well mean needed change actually occurs.)
So I'm hoping that even if Pelosi loses her fight, that Dingell will have bigger and better things for us on the other side.
A note -- part of the in-fighting, according to the Time piece, comes from a feud between Pelosi and Dingell. The Post piece failed to mention that. I think the citizens of this nation will join me in saying to the two of them: "Grow the hell up. You're there to work for us, and it's ok if you don't like someone, but as soon as it gets in the way of what *WE* hired you to do, you'll hear from us about it -- loudly and clearly."