I had to watch it twice. Yup, that's what the man said on Sunday's Face the Nation. Senator Joe Lieberman wants the U.S. to attack Iran, mostly through air strikes. His calm tone said No sweat, like an English teacher explaining the difference between nouns and verbs.
Why? There's "incontrovertible evidence," he claimed, that Iran is training terrorists to kill Americans. He then borrowed from Bush's pre-Iraq-invasion repertoire, implying a link between Iran and 9/11, followed by a variation of the theme, if we don't fight them there they'll follow us home.
At one point, the host dramatically interrupted Lieberman and said, "Stop here, you're making news." Then it hit me. This seasoned politician knew that threatening to bomb Iran would "make news." I just wonder why he wanted to.
Jane Hamsher thinks Harry Reid should strip Lieberman of his chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Maybe so. And perhaps the media should strip him of the spotlight--or at least approach Lieberman with heavy skepticism. Firedoglake has the video clip.