Former Halliburton subsidiary KBR may have overcharged us taxpayers again, according to a report of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction that covers only a "sliver" of KBR's $22.5 billion contract (Washington Post).
Among other things, the Inspector General found that KBR created a flawed database indicating more fuel had been sent to generators than the generators could hold, refused to give details on claimed costs, and gave employees better housing than military officers had.
The Inspector General blamed government entities for not closely monitoring KBR, which has been repeatedly criticized for waste or overcharging....
In 2004, the Wall Street Journal reported that KBR overcharged U.S. taxpayers $16 million on meals for troops in Kuwait. (AP/Fox) KBR also reportedly overcharged about $100 million for importing gasoline from Kuwait into Iraq. (Senate Hearing transcript)
A former company auditor reported that KBR made no effort to hold down costs, because costs were passed on to the taxpayers. The auditor documented "alleged waste even on routine services: $50,000 a month for soda, at $45 a case; $1 million a month to clean clothes — or $100 for each 15-pound bag of laundry." (MSNBC)
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