In this month's Time, you will find a veritable tongue bath of an Al Gore write-up, plus an excerpt from Gore's excellent and incisive commentary on the real current state of the nation. All of which raises a question: is Gore right not to run? I mean, I've been hoping against hope that my hero will change his mind, but by the end of the article I'd more or less concluded that he's right not to jump back into the ugliness that American politics has become. Can the man who waited over 25 years to have his merits recognized and his cause taken seriously afford to subject himself to a bout of swift-boat style attacks aimed at discrediting everything he's worked for?
We had our chance and the fools and skeptics and reality-deniers ruined it for all of us. So, Al: run away! Run away!
Don't listen! Al Gore: Too Valuable to Waste in the 2008 Election?