In an intensely ironic moment, President Bush accused Republicans and conservatives who oppose his immigration proposal of using "empty political rhetoric" and "not wanting to do what's right for America." Two conservatives responded as follows ( Washington Post):
David Keene, American Conservative Union: "I don't think name-calling does any good....What they've done from the very beginning is say, 'This is the way we want it done, and anyone who disagrees with us is outside the mainstream.'"
Brian Darling, Heritage Foundation: "Most conservatives have very strong feelings that this bill contains amnesty... and no yelling and screaming by the administration is going to change our minds...The American people should be frightened by the closed-door process that was used and by the ramifications."
Last week, Rush Limbaugh called the immigration bill the "Comprehensive Destroy the Republican Party Act." According to Salon, the GOP's split is between the "Wall Street Wing" (which gives money and wants cheap Spanish-speaking labor) and the "Main Street Wing" (which gives votes and wants big fences between Mexico and the U.S.).
Thomas Schaller wrote: "Furious members of the Republican rank and file began talking about last straws and using 'impeachment' and 'Bush' in the same sentence."