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May 01, 2007


Storefront Political Media

Hi !

I am writing you on behalf of Storefront Political Media. We will be present at the upcoming Netroots Nation Conference with current San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom. Having said that, we were hoping to get an email address for you and for some of the more prominent bloggers on you site so that we could send some more detailed information.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Thank You.

Marjorie Saenz

The topic of health care in the 2008 U.S. presidential election is one that is high on the minds of Americans. However, while most people are well aware of the immense challenges facing our health system (rising costs of medical care, malpractice, high prescription drug costs, medical bankruptcies, employers dropping coverage, 47 million uninsured Americans, etc.), they have less understanding of the specific solutions proposed by Senators Obama and McCain.

We invite you to write a post about the topic of health care in ’08. There are clear policy differences between the Obama and McCain plans, who come from two differing philosophies on health care reform.

“HealthDecision ’08: Obama and McCain on Health Care” is an initiative by ( to help potential voters understand each candidate’s position. It is an objective comparison of the two platforms, and provides analysis as to the strengths and weaknesses of each. Most importantly, HealthDecision ’08 provides an interactive voting tool that allows users to “vote” for a preferred plan. HealthDecision can be accessed at

HealthDecision ’08 will provide you with much of the primary research with which to form a post. In addition, we provide you with links to third-party election coverage from, NPR, The New England Journal of Medicine, NY Times, National Journal, U.S. News, WebMD and many other sites, that may serve as supplemental information sources.

I hope you’ll join us in our effort to raise voter understanding on this very important issue. We hope that you will use our information, and also link your readers to our site in order to have their voices heard.

Lastly, if you’re interested in posting real-time results of the HealthDecision ’08 poll, please reply to this email for instructions on embedded our widget onto your blog.

Thank you.

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